2018 Album (City Slang)
Son Lux’s fifth full-length release explores the violence of love, the beauty of sacrifice, and the specter of impermanence. Brighter Wounds finds the trio in command of a daring, multidirectional sound, expressing naturally the proclivity for surprise and contrast that characterize the project's output. Unfettered performances breathe freely, rendering intimacy, physicality, and fray. The LP builds upon early 2017’s urgent protest EP, Remedy, which was a response to the ever-encroaching reality of social and political upheaval, offering an angered and explosive examination of what it means to live, to create, and to resist in America today.
Against this backdrop and in the midst of making Brighter Wounds, Son Lux’s Ryan Lott became a father, and at the same time lost his best friend to cancer. As caretaker, he watched firsthand both his wife’s slow elegant struggle to generate and encompass new life countered by his friend’s slow inelegant struggle to fend off death. Fatherhood brought foreign elation, but also new terrors. This untidy hand-off of curse and blessing provided the context for these deeply personal songs. "I had imagined a better world my son than the one he'll discover as he grows," Ryan Lott laments, echoing a line in the album's opener, "Forty Screams."
Anchored by its cinematic heart, “All Directions,” the LP ranges from the thunderous charge of “Dream State” to the sputtering, soulful lilt of “Slowly.” Ryan Lott’s devastating vocal on "Aquatic," guitarist Rafiq Bhatia’s blooming flower melismas on "Labor," and drummer Ian Chang’s nearly inhuman rhythmic calculus on "The Fool You Need" illuminate a curious and delicate balance of precision and pain.
Son Lux has made invention its hallmark through continued exploration and experimentation. With Brighter Wounds, the triad NPR proclaimed “the world’s most lethal band" now grips exhilaration and heartache in full embrace. In the words of the album's closing refrain, "is this what the resurrection feels like?"
The Yesterday’s Wake EP traces echoes of Brighter Wounds themes while introducing two brand new songs infused with the album’s DNA. We hear the lyrics from “Young” in the refrain of “Delivery ” and for the first time the phrase “Brighter Wound” in the final moments of “Yesterday’s Wake.” Together these 4 songs complete the full album collection.
a triumph of their collective strengths, a clashing of desperation and ecstasy, an expansive treatise on strain and abandon.
– Flypaper
Songs often follow predictable structures only to break from them at the last second, turning a false ending into a thrilling coda.
– Pitchfork
a suspenseful, simmering energy that keeps audiences hanging on every lilt of lead singer Ryan Lott’s voice.
– Village Voice